We have been going behind the scenes and chatting with Education Experts from around the world to share their research and advice on why Play based Learning is important for children
So excited to share ‘Learning Through Play Series – 1;
- Dr Cindy Hovington, Curious Neuron, curiousneuron.com (Canada)
- Dr Paul Swan, Swan Consultancy, drpaulswan.com.au (Australia)
- Dr Sandra Lee, Early Childhood Consultant (USA/China)
- Jacinth Liew, Our Little Play Nest, ourlittleplaynest.com (Singapore)
- Kwan Chiao Chyi, Tickle Your Senses, tickleyoursenses.com.sg (Singapore)
Edx Education are passionate about the ‘learning through play’ movement. This has long been recognised as a highly successful method of teaching in early years education both in the classroom and at home: it is fun and engaging, also a tactile and visual form of learning which aids concentration, helps develop fine motor skills and supports early mathematical understanding, such as counting and sorting techniques. You can take a look at some of these early childhood products here