Play Blog — Children

5 Fun Math Activities During Summer Holidays with Edx Education

5 Fun Math Activities During Summer Holidays with Edx Education

Summer holidays provide an excellent opportunity for children to take a break from their regular school routines and engage in exciting activities. As a parent or guardian, you can make the most of this time by incorporating fun and educational activities that encourage learning even during the summer break. One way to achieve this is by using Edx Education toys, which are specifically designed to make math enjoyable and engaging for children. In this blog, we will explore five fun activities that you can do with Edx Education toys to help your child learn and appreciate mathematics during their summer...

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Skills  2-year-olds develop and what can toys help with edx education

Skills 2-year-olds develop and what can toys help with edx education

At around two years old, children undergo significant developmental milestones and begin to acquire various skills. Here are some skills that 2-year-olds typically develop and how toys can help support their growth: Fine motor skills: Toddlers refine their hand-eye coordination and finger dexterity during this stage. Toys with buttons, zippers, and snaps can help them practice manipulating objects and develop their fine motor skills. Building blocks, puzzles with large pieces, and stacking toys also encourage grasping and manipulation. Gross motor skills: Two-year-olds are becoming more mobile and developing their gross motor skills. Toys that promote physical activity, such as go...

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Shopedx - MyGears® as a STEAM Construction Toy for Your Children -

MyGears® as a STEAM Construction Toy for Your Children

When it comes to choosing the right educational toys for your children, it's essential to find ones that promote creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. One remarkable option that ticks all these boxes is the Edx Education MyGears®. This construction toy offers a world of possibilities for children to explore and develop their cognitive abilities while having fun. In this blog, we will discuss why the Edx Education MyGears® is an excellent choice for your little ones. Encourages STEAM Learning: The Edx Education MyGears® is designed to introduce children to the principles of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics)...

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