At around two years old, children undergo significant developmental milestones and begin to acquire various skills. Here are some skills that 2-year-olds typically develop and how toys can help support their growth:
- Fine motor skills: Toddlers refine their hand-eye coordination and finger dexterity during this stage. Toys with buttons, zippers, and snaps can help them practice manipulating objects and develop their fine motor skills. Building blocks, puzzles with large pieces, and stacking toys also encourage grasping and manipulation.
- Gross motor skills: Two-year-olds are becoming more mobile and developing their gross motor skills. Toys that promote physical activity, such as go wheelie, joey jump, push toys, and balls, can help them practice walking, running, kicking, and throwing. Climbing structures, like soft playsets, can aid in their balance and coordination.
- Language and communication skills: At this age, children start to expand their vocabulary and improve their communication abilities. Toys that facilitate language development include picture books, interactive storybooks, bean bags, sand and water toys and active play. Puppets and dolls can also encourage imaginative play and language skills as children engage in conversations with them.
- Cognitive skills: Toddlers' cognitive abilities are rapidly developing at this stage. Toys that promote problem-solving and critical thinking, such as Rainbow Pebbles®, nesting cups, and simple puzzles, can help enhance their cognitive skills. Building blocks and construction toys allow them to explore spatial relationships and stimulate creativity.
- Social and emotional skills: Two-year-olds are beginning to understand emotions and engage in social interactions. Toys that encourage pretend play, such as whizzy dizzy, joey jump and toy cars, can help them develop social and emotional skills. Playing with others or participating in group activities with toys can also foster sharing, turn-taking, and cooperation.
- Sensory exploration: Toddlers are curious about the world around them and enjoy sensory experiences. Toys that engage their senses, such as sand and water tables, musical instruments, sensory bins with various materials, and art supplies like crayons and playdough, can support their sensory exploration and stimulate their creativity.
Edx Education offers a range of educational toys designed to support children's development across these areas. Their toys often focus on hands-on learning, sensory experiences, and interactive play, which align well with the developmental needs of 2-year-olds. It's essential to choose toys that are age-appropriate, safe, and engaging to provide the most beneficial experiences for toddlers.
Remember, these are just a few examples of the many benefits of using Edx Education toys. To visit the full range of toys head to www.shopedx.co.uk
Heather Welch, Edx Education