Play Blog — emotional wellness

Shopedx - The Benefits of Sensory Play for Children with Autism -

The Benefits of Sensory Play for Children with Autism

The Benefits of Sensory Play for Children with Autism Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face an array of challenges depending on their diagnosis, which can include difficulty communicating, interacting and learning. Sensory integration is one of the most important skills for those with autism to learn because it helps them to better understand their environment and become more aware of their emotions. We all love to play and learn – engaging children with autism in the right play can stimulate their brain, creating neural pathways and improving their sensory processing systems. It can improve many core skills such as...

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Shopedx - Social and Emotional Learning -

Social and Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning (SEL) refers to the process through which children and young people develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to: understand and manage emotions set and achieve positive goals feel and show empathy for others establish and maintain positive relationships make responsible decisions

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